In the morning he went for break fast down town, it was amazing what they had for break fast, even though he didn’t liked what they were selling. After one hour of searching what to eat he said ‘Never mind!’ and he went for pizza!!
When he was full he went for bungee jumping ignoring the fact that he was stuffed! He chose the highest point of the skyscraper and jumped, while he was falling he threw up all the pizza he ate! Unfortunately the pizza felled into a mans head. The man was screaming into Japanese and Mr. White did not understand a single word.
Mr. White left the building and decided to go for a walk to the forest. It was wonderful he said, while he was walking he found his old friend Jake. He was on his bike, and since Mr. White likes mountain biking they decided to go for mountain bike the next day!
It was night so he went back to the hotel and slept. He was Exhausted, I mean he could walk for another minute!
The next day in the morning after break fast he shined his mountain bike and he was ready for a ride! He went to the best mountain for mountain bike! They where having so much fun that they lost the sense of time.
After they finished they were full of mad from their fit to their heads, they said to go to a Japanese restaurant and eat chop sticks so they went to their houses/hotel and took a shower.
Mr. White took sweet and sour sauce chicken and he loved it! Well it was time to live Japan and go back to Cyprus, he went back to the airport and came back, pfff I will never go to Japan its just so many hours for the flight!
Well he had nice experience to Japan and it’s a place you can go for relaxation I guess. That’s all about Mr. Troy White I guess!!